Compositional semantics and sentence representations

Description of this Post

November 22, 2023

Compositional semantics and sentence representations

Description of this Post

November 22, 2023

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1 Compositional semantics

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Deep here we mean as deeper understanding of language no NN

2 Compositional semantics alongside syntax

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If we want to model semantics alongside syntax. Word meaning then phrase meaning, then sentence meaning.

3 Non-trivial issues with semantic composition

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Here in the first i, it refers maybe to a dog. The second one it does not refer to anything. So even if they have same syntax structure they have different meanings

The problem with last one is that even though these phrases can mean soomthing unqiue like the second refere to a person has passed away. Sometimes we may also express that a person just kick the bucket

4 Non-trivial issues with semantic composition

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5 Issues with semantic composition

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This represent recursion

6 Modelling compositional semantics

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These are two modelling frameworks

  1. Here we do the composition directly in vector space

Unsupervised methods, they are general purpose. They capture the meaning of a word based on the similarity with other words.

  1. Here you train your representation in a supervised way, which means you need a task to get the learning signal from. For example in sentiment classification.

For instance if you train your representations to sentiment analysis and then you want to do translation this will not work, cause you train on a different task

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7 Compositional distributional semantics

These are the all general purpose unsupervised way

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The idea come up, we were successful to create word representations, why not phrases, then why not in the sentence level.

If you have a finite vocab you can still create an infinitely amount of sentences

It is unfeseable because you dont have every possible sentence there and create a sentence representation for that. But we can do somthing similar which is, instead of learning sentence representatins directly you would try to use the word representation for the sentences and composed to create a sentence representatio.

In principle you need only word representations for all words which is more doable than getting word representations for all sentences

8 Vector mixture models

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9 Additive and multiplicative models

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Because summation is symmetric representation, we get the same representation so this model has a flaw

Prepositions are used flexibly in any position, which means they dont have a strong behavioral profile but the content words they do. For example they appear in the same position they co-ocurr in similar context

10 Lexical function models

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11 Lexical function models

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12 Learning adjective matrices

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13 Learning adjective matrices

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14 Title

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15 Title

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16 Title

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17 Task: Sentiment classification of movie reviews

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18 Words (and sentences) into vectors

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19 Sentence representation: A (very) simplified picture

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20 Title

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21 Dataset: Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST)

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22 Binary parse tree: One example

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23 Title

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24 Models

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25 First approach: Sentence + Sentiment

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26 Title

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27 Title

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Here we do not model order or syntax

28 Bag of Words

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29 Bag of Words

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Because you don’t consider order the example in the sentece is the same, so there is a flaw in this model

30 Turning words into numbers

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31 One-hot vectors select word embeddings

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32 Title

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33 Title

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Now because the vector representation can squezze more detail in the embedding about the word, then this increase in dimensionality is better

34 Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW)

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35 Recall: Matrix Multiplication

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36 What about this?

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Here the problem of just concatenating is that you dont know the size of the W to multiply because the sentence embeddings are vary in length

37 What about this?

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38 Title

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39 Title

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Here we just learn more layers, so more complexity to the model

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40 What about this?

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Deeper is not always better because we might start to overfit, and at test time it will not generalize well

41 Question

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42 Title

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43 Deep CBOW with pretrained embeddings

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It will be easier if the models already know the word meaning and then it can get the sentoment fo the sentece. Here we have a prior which is our word representation

44 Title

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There is two paradigms by using pre-trained embeddings

  1. You can keep these representations frozen: so not for training
  2. or you fine-tune the word representations toguether with your task. This means the word represenation becomes more specialized for the task

45 Recap: Training a neural network

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46 Cross Entropy Loss

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47 Softmax

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48 Title

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Feed forward NNs were not able to contain word order information, RNN can do it

Here the words would be conditioned in the previous words

49 Introduction: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

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50 Introduction: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

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6 words 6 times steps

51 Introduction: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)

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52 Introduction: Unfolding the RNN

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The W and the R amtrix are the same, they are shared

53 Introduction: Making a prediction

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When you reach the end of the sentence, then you use the ouput vector for this word as the sentence representation. We can do this vecause this last time step was influenced by the entire history so that is why we substitute, this as our sentence representation. And then we can project it as 5 dimensional representation and then we take the argmax or softmax based on this representation

54 Introduction: The vanishing gradient problem

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They tend to surfer from the vanishing problem

55 Introduction: The vanishing gradient problem

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Here 5 num unrolls N refers to the amount of words you have in a sentence

56 What about this?

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57 RNN vs ANN

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In the ANN you have different parameters for your matrix in each layer and the problem could cancel out. However even in ANN you can run into vanishing/exploding gradients

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58 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

CV: resNET skip connections to aliviate exploding/vanishing gradients

NLP: LSTM were introduced

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LSTM are good to deal with long-term dependencies because they are able to cpe with exploding/vanishing gradients

59 LSTM: Core idea

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The cells are supposed to capture the long term memory information from the sentence

This is good because backpropagation through time with have this partially uninterrupted gradient flow

60 LSTMs

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Now the activation function here would be the LSTM, so each copy would contain an LSTM cell where before we have one layer and now we will have the cell with four different layers interacting with each other

61 LSTM cell

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3 gates:

  • forget gate
  • input gate
  • output gate

c_t is the memory cell, here we do not apply any weights, we just do multiplication and summation. This is why people call it as a conveyers belt. So here we forget information, we add information but information flows interrupted

62 LSTM: Cell state

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63 LSTM: Forget gate

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64 LSTM: Candidate cell

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65 LSTM: Input gate

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67 LSTM: Output gate

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Here we are saying what do I want to keep from my long term memory. The ouput of that is going to be my new output vector.

67.1 Recap

  1. Use the forget gate to get the input word x_t and the previous h_{t-1} with that you do apply softmax which then you multiply to the cell state which is the memory.

Here if you multiply by 1, then you wan to keep those items in memory. If 0 then you do not want to conserve them.

  1. We use the candidate gate where you mutliply the ouput of the tanh which gives candidate values between -1 and 1 with some scaled softmax from the input gate. With this we selectively add what to conserve in the memory cell

  2. We update the values of the ouput gate which we take: from the cell memory values between -1 to 1 and we multiply these by a softmax version from the input words x_t and also the previous state h_{t-1}

  • Step 1 & 2 is called long-term memory
  • Step 3, is the short term memory. This is a filtered version of the long-term memory.

68 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)

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  • Cell state is the long term memory
  • Hidden state is your short term memory

69 LSTMs: Applications & Success in NLP

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70 Summary fo models seen so far

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Sequence models :

  • RNN
  • LSTM

Tree-structure models are the ones that are also sensitive to the syntactic structure

71 Second approach: Sentence + Sentiment + Syntax

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72 Exploiting tree structure

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Compositionality was this idea that you cannot derive the meaning of sentences from the meaning of the individual words.

In the models seen so far, we were getting the sentence representation deriving it from the individual words. But we were not taken the syntactic structure into account. These Tree LSTM allow us to do both. So we will get the meaning of the words and also the rules that combine them

73 Why would it be useful?

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74 Constituency Parse

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75 Recurrent vs Tree Recursive NN

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Recurrent NNS that are LSTMs but you also have tree RNN which are recursive

If you input “I loved this movie” to the RNN you will not be able to model, the phrase independetly of the previous words in the sentence. So for instance “this movie” is dependent of having seen “I Loved” that means I cannot extract separate phrase representations from your sentence representations

This is different in the three recursive NN, because you explicitly first compose “this movie” into a phrase representation and then you would make it dependent on the previous word while you go up in the three

76 Tree Recursive NN

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77 Practical II data set: Stanford Sentiment Treebank (SST)

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78 Tree LSTMs: Generalize LSTM to tree structure

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We can input multiple children in each time step

79 Tree LSTMs

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  1. You can use any number of children that you want but you will loose child order information

  2. N-ary Tree LSTM: in practical Binary parse tree

80 Child-Sum Tree LSTM

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81 Child-Sum Tree LSTM

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82 N-ary Tree LSTM

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That means I have to input separatly to the model because they have separate parameters matrices, so you not just summed them up.

83 N-ary Tree LSTM

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84 N-ary Tree LSTM

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\(u_j\) is for the candidate gate

For each child \(h_j\), we have a separate parameter matrix and you ill be summing

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85 LSTMs vs Tree-LSTMs

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Tree-LSTM general, general LSTM its just a Tree-LSTM with one child. So if you have one child then you have your standard tree LSTM

86 Title

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87 Title

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88 Building a tree with a transition sequence

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89 Transition sequence example

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90 Transition sequence example

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91 Transition sequence example

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92 Transition sequence example

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93 Transition sequence example

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94 Transition sequence example

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95 Transition sequence example

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96 Transition sequence example

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97 Title

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Because we are doing this in sequence so putting thins on the stack and then to the tree we cannot dot his in parallel, so this is slow. Thus, we want to do mini-batch where you process multiple sentences at the same time and

98 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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99 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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100 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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101 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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102 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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103 Transition sequence example (mini-batched)

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104 Optional approach: Sentence + Sentiment + Syntax + Node-level sentiment

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105 Title

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106 Recap

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107 Title

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108 Input

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109 Recap: Activation functions

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110 Introduction: Intuition to solving the vanishing gradient

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111 Introduction: A small improvement

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112 Child-Sum Tree LSTM

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113 A naive recursive NN

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114 SGD vs GD

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