Lexical semantics and word embeddings

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November 22, 2023

Lexical semantics and word embeddings

Description of this Post

November 22, 2023

1 Outline.

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2 Semantics

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Semantics is concerned with modelling meaning

  • Compositional semantics: meaning of phrases

  • Lexical semantics: meaning of individuals words

3 What is lexical meaning?

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4 How to approach lexical meaning?

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In formal semantics: The meaning of words are represented as sets

i.e Bachelors -> if is a man and also unmmaried

5 How to approach lexical meaning?

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6 Prototype theory

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Prototype theory: concepts are represents as a graded category, it is like a human categorization

  • not all members needs to share a property

i.e furniture -> chair is more central (prototypical) than stool or a couch

7 Semantic relations

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Taxonomy refers to the science of classification, specifically the classification of living organisms into various categories based on shared characteristics

8 Other semantic relations

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9 Polysemy and word senses

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Polysemy is the ability of a word to have multiple meanings

A word can mean different things in a different context

10 Polysemy

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11 Outline.

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This a modeling framework

12 Distributional hypothesis

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We can analysis the word depending of how it is used in a large corpus

A corpus (plural: corpora) refers to a large and structured set of texts,

13 Distributional hypothesis

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14 Distributional hypothesis

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15 Distributional hypothesis

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16 Distributional hypothesis

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17 Scrumpy

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18 Distributional hypothesis

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The context about a word provides the information about its meaning

Meaning similarity, could be then be the vector that is also similar to another where each element of the vector is a context, so the more similar context the closer the meaning

19 The general intuition

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each word is a point: a row

Dimensions: are all possible contexts in our dataset

the values are the frequencies that ocurred in that context

20 Vectors

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21 The notion of context

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22 Context

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Here we delte words that are frequent

Here the window stays the same

23 Context

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Now we just take the stem of each word and then we do a count on this stem words; here acknowledged -> acknowledge

This is handy if your corpus is not very large, because then your vectors would be very sparce meaning we would have zero entries because of the different variants of a word, so instead you want to aggregate context that mean the same so then we fix sparse vectors

24 Context

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Instead of word window, we can use syntatic relations. That is we can extract syntactic context even for those words that are further way but have some relation with the wording that we are looking.

25 Context weighting

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The first decision: how to model

The second: how to weight the context, so which metric we wil use

26 Characteristic model

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Here we are saying that there are some words that are more characteristic of a context. For i.e ‘floffy’ can be refered to dogs or cats, or toys but not so much of ‘computer’, ‘screwdriver’

It measures the joint probability of the word and the context (numerator) and the probability of them occurring together if they were independent (denominator)

P(c|w): how likely it is the context given that we are seeing this word.

So we want to compute the probability of the word occurance in the corpus to their probability of occurrence independently

27 What semantic space?

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The first decision: how to model

The second: how to weight the context, so which metric we wil use

Third design decision: what kind of semantic space to use? aka how many context to include

  • We can use entire vocabulary
    A CON is that it will be very sparse if we use the whole vocab

28 Word frequency: Zipfian distribution

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29 What semantic space?

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Dimensionality reduction is to benefit from approach 1 and 2

30 An example noun

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the values here are PMI values

31 An example adjective

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Decathlon is strange to see in the first place

PMI property: no matter which data you apply to is that you would get unreseanable PMI values for rare events.

So Decathlon is rare, and if it appears with academic once, then it will have a high PMI, because has a low prior probability

32 Polysemy

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Polysemy is the ability of a word to have multiple meanings

All these senses are encoded and collapse toguether within a single distribution. Basically you have different context that correspond to different meanings and

33 Calculating similarity in a distributional space

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34 Measuring similarity

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The dot product of the two vectors that is normalized by the vector lenght

The Euclidean distance considers the length of the vectors:

The euclidean distance would be quite large, so that is why we need to normalize

35 The scale of similarity: some examples

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36 Words most similar to cat

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37 But what is similarity?

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38 Distributional methods are a usage representation

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39 Distribution for policeman

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40 Distribution for cop

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Cop and policeman, even though the words seems to be the same, there is cultural associations with cop that is highly negative.

This means that words have relative meanings to the culture and thus if compared this terms between cultures their meanings could be totally different which then evaluating a similarity metric will yield that they are not similar.

Tha being, we take two words from the same corpus but because of cultural use of words they may have different distributions (cognotations). Unquestionable, this is a property of the data.

1set carriage bike vehicle train truck lorry coach taxi – official officer inspector journalist detective constable policeman reporter – sister daughter parent relative lover cousin friend wife mother husband brother father

2set car engine petrol road driver wheel trip steering seat fo, highway sign speed - concert singer stage light music show audience performance ticket - experiment research scientist paper result publication laboratory finding

41 Clustering nouns

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42 Clustering nouns

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43 Outline.

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44 Distributional semantic models

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Dense vectors or word embeddings

Count-based models we can see clearly

Here we train the model to predict what makes a good context for a word.

Dense in the sense that the dimensionals are used and there are fewer dimensions, the model learns some interactions between them. However the dimensions are latent so if the model has a strange behaviour is very hard to know why.

45 Sparse vs. dense vectors

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In traditional distribution models we can have tends of thousands of contexts in a large corpus

they generalize better, by having those latent dimensions that are trained in the prediction task, the model learns to map similar context toguether to the same dimensions.

If in a traditional distribution model you would have distints concepts for car and automobile, there is no way for the model to know that they provide the same information, whereas in a dense vector we can agregate over similar context, you can map them to the same dimension and you can reduce the redundancy in the data but also end up with a model that is more generalizable

46 Prediction-based distributional models

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The most popular model of word embedding of prediction base is the Skip-gram model

Probabilistic language models, such as n-gram models where our goal is given a sequence of words we want to predict the next word that comes next

Here, the task is the same exceot that we use a NN to perform this prediction.

The idea is that we can learn word representations in the process

47 Skip-gram

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in Skip-gram we do not care about the sequence, but rather we want to take individual words as input, and we want to output the words that it can occur in the data i.e. if we take a 5-word window, basically we want to train the model to predict the valid context for thee word and then we lear the world representation in the process (in the projection layer)

48 Skip-gram

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Words that occur toguether in the data should have some similarity in meaning. This is different from i.e we compare context towards the current and the relation in their similar meaning but rather a word should be similar in meaning to its neighbors.

Essentially we want to compare the vectors of the word and their neighbors

Given word at time t

Goal: predict all its neighboring words within a window. For instance we use a 5-word windows then these are the words to predict

49 Skip-gram: Parameter matrices

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For each word skip gram learns 2 parameter vectors:

For each word it learns two vectors:

  1. The word vector, that is the word embedding v, in word matrix W
    This is the vector that represents the meaning of that word

  2. A context vector that is the vector that represents its behavior as context for other words

In a sense each word can have two rows: it can act as a word from which we are learning the word meaning AND it can also act as context for other words

W: is the matrix of word embeddings

C: the matrix of context embeddings

and so then we choose the dimensionality of our embeddings to have, for instance between 50 and 500 dimensions

Here for a whole Vocabulary we have a vector for every word, so the dimensionality here is the size of our vocabulary, so the columns are the word embeddings for all of our words



So in the columns we have the vector oer word so we go from 1..Vw

The rows represent the dimensionality of the vector


The columns are the dimensions

The rows we have the size of our vocabulary so we have a word, so the number of rows are the number of word in the vocabulary

In practice, these are the same, so we say we use individual words as context, so all words will learn embeddings, and each word can acts as a context. However there is no requirement to be the same, in fact the context vocabulary can be different and we can use any definition of context as we discuss in distributional models

50 Skip-gram: Setup

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we go word by word extracting its context.

This may look like Bigram prob but is not, and is not because position does not matter. So basically we consider each context in isolation like a set, so the context that the word might have and we operate over context pairs, the order does not matter in the sequence. So word and each context in isolation. And which context are possible we define based on the word window for any other criteria like we explain before like:

  • Context window unfilter
  • Context window filtered
  • Context window lexeme filtered
  • Connected by a grammatical relation

So the position of the context does not matter once we have extracted the context but of course it does matter in the process of extracting it, so it has to be whithin the word window

Intuition of skip-gram: to compute that probability we need to compute the similarity between w_j and w_k

51 Skip-gram: Computing similarity

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52 Skip-gram: Similarity as dot product

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Why do we use dot product to compute the similarity. Again we use cosine, here we used it because it does not matter about the mangnitude but if they are pointing in the same direction then they are considered similar.

So vectors that are similar in this case w_j (current word) and w_k (word to predict) will be similar if they have a high dot product

53 Skip-gram: Compute probabilities

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case w_j (current word) and w_k (word to predict) v_j (current word) and c_k (word to predict)

So here P(w_k|w_j) we want to predict how likely is that this context is predicted.

We end up with having a vector of dot products, so we are comparing the word with all of the context vectors, that gives a vector of products over the whole vocabulary and then we normalize it using softmax

At the end we use softmax to make probabilities summ up to one

54 Skip-gram: Learning

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we iterative update the embeddings to make the embeddings of our words more similar to the real seen context words and less similar to the embeddings of everything else (other context words)

55 Skip-gram: Objective

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So we want to maximize the overall corpus probability, that is the probability of the real seen context.

Here we assume that the context is independent of each other, so the whole sequence does not matter. We assume that the probabilities are independent of each other and so basically the objective becomes to maximize the product of the probabilities of the real seen context pairs


  • c_k is the vector representation of the context word w_k
  • v_j is the vector representation of the word w_j

56 Visualising skip-gram as a network

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our input here is the vector representation of the word

The last layer tell us all the possible contexts.

So we are predicting a context word at a time. For ie. here w_t is a vector and we predict all the probabilities of context words

57 One hot vectors

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58 Visualising skip-gram as a network

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The problem arises at computing softmax. If our corpus is large then the denominator will go over this large text thus being computationally expensive. So basically we have to iterate over all the vocabulary to perform the update

59 Skip-gram with negative sampling

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Instead of iterating over the whole vocabulary, for each word and positive context pair we will now sum over noise or negative samples i.e words that are not context to that word. In the above formula this translates in suming ‘i’ number of negative or noisy samples in the denominator therefore reducing the amount of computations.

60 Skip-gram with negative sampling

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For each word of the window: so for word pair (‘tablespppon’, ‘apricot’), we are gonna randomly sample some negative examples, so sampling other possible contexts. You can decide how many you want to have per possitve context i.e 2 or 10. Say we are going to choose randomly two noise examples i.e ‘cement’ and ‘iddle’, those are words that have nothing to do with ‘apricot’ so those are the negative examples.

How to choose negative examples? it is just random and it is done over the whole vocabulary but you could be more especific and i.e pick from their unigram probability with more frequent words

So here if we take 2 negative examples per positive we will have 8 different pairs because our windows is 4

61 Skip-gram with negative sampling: Training examples

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So basically we will convert our dataset into word pairs

62 Skip-gram with negative sampling

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So now for a given pair we are going to predict if it is a negative or positive example, basically we converted into a binary clarification problem

So basically we will have a probability that a pair (w_j: context, w_k: example) is a positive example and then the probability that is a negative example.

63 Skip-gram with negative sampling

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64 Skip-gram with negative sampling: Objective

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So now the intuition is that we want to make the word vector like the context vector and unlike the context vector of the negative examples.

So here we want to maximize the probability of positive examples being positive and maximize the probability of negative examples being negative

64.1 Savings from negative Skip-gram. Softmax –> Sigmoid


To sum up we see from the last equation that instead of iterating over the whole vocabulary, now we will maximize over the positive and negative sets which their size is a design choice that as explained during the lectures is more computational efficient (less dot products to compute) as iterating over the whole vocabulary as it was the case with Softamx.

65 Properties of embeddings

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The number below France is the ranking of most similar words. The interesting thing is that if you do not use lexematitation, it also captures more find grained aspects of meaning. For instance in ‘Reddish’ we do not get other colors but we also get a red-like similar words is not about ish words because we also get silvery. This show us that the model cna capture fine grained aspects, which is what we want.

66 Properties of embeddings

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We compare two pairs of words in terms of their relation

  1. here in apples in the plural relation
  2. here in man and woman there is a gender relation

So the model needs to complete the analogy given a is b and then given c is to what?

67 Properties of embeddings

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68 Properties of embeddings

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69 Word embeddings in practice

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In your NN the first layer are going to be the word embeddings which are some representations of the word in a sequence

70 Count-based models vs. skip-gram word embeddings

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71 Count-based models vs. skip-gram word embeddings

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72 Acknowledgement

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